
AGPR5 Ministered Lecture in the 2nd Course of Management of Factory of Balanced Foods of AGROPEC

The AGPR5 participated in another Intensive Course in Factory Management of Animal Nutrition promoted by Agropec Consultoria in Porto Alegre / RS.

The AGPR5 participated in the Course with the Lecture by Mr. Alvaro Ghedin – CEO of AGPR5, where the “Evolution of the Control of Feed Factories” has been approached since 1992, basically dealing with automation until the years 2010 and arriving to the present day where we have the concept of Manufacturing Execution System – MES of these processes, where innovation and technology for feed factories will depend essentially on human capital so we can walk to Industria 4.0 and Dark Factory.

The purpose of the course was to discuss, review and deepen important aspects of the Feed Factory management and the trends for maximizing the use of physical, financial and human assets, thus maximizing results.

This group included the Animal Nutrition Staff of AGPR5 – Mr. Alexsandro Soares da Rosa and Mr. Paulo Bamberg, manager of Beckers Animal Nutrition, AGPR5 client.

Brazil is the third largest producer of feed in the world and does not have exclusive specialization for the management of feed factories In this market AGPR5 with the Gemba Mill product has close to 30% of the production control of the feed factories.

Contributing to the increase of productivity, AGROPEC, through its CEO – Mr. Antônio Apércio Klein, has made available training exclusively dedicated to the formation of the leaders of the feed factories in order to transfer tacit knowledge that he accumulated in the last 30 years in these processes.

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