
Congratulations Work Safety Technician for your day

Safety at Work is a priority in AGPR5. We are all responsible for security, our own and others, and every activity, however important and urgent, must be carried out safely.

On November 27, Labor Safety Technician’s Day, we recognize these fundamental professionals who work for the lives of their fellow workers, promoting means and resources capable of developing the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. And using education and information as your best tool.

AGPR5 is among the few companies in Santa Catarina to achieve OHSAS 18001: 2007 certification, which guarantees compliance with legislation related to collaborator safety and health, identification of risks and hazards of the organization’s activities, in order to act preventively in the organization. health and safety of the collaborator and also make collaborators and all those who can carry out activities on their behalf aware of the consequences of their actions towards the health and physical integrity of all.

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