
Leadership: The Led is the Reflection of your Leader

The theme of leadership is present in all organizations and from the beginning, throughout human history, several leaders have emerged: some revolutionaries or drivers and others devastating. For Chiavenato (2008), “being a leader is the process of leading a group of people. It is the ability to motivate and influence those who are led to contribute best to the goals of the group or organization. ” This ability to influence and motivate people is the key point for organizations, as this action can be positive or negative, directly impacting organizational objectives. The led is the reflection of its leader.

In organizations, both public and private, it is common the unpreparedness of bosses who call themselves leaders because they are at the top of the pyramid.

However, this lack of preparation is much more pronounced in public organizations, since the individuals who are placed in managerial positions are usually people who dominate a highly technical subject or who were indicated for that post without, however, having any leadership profile. Their teams are conducted in a disorderly way and do not have the clear and objective orientation of their activities, the command is not understood: the boss thinks that highly technical words and beautiful speeches on a certain subject are having some effect, and after hours of meetings the team leaves with the feeling, “What is it really to do?”, “Where do I start?”, “Oh my God, what a horrible job!”. Often, they are simple demands that could be executed with efficiency, effectiveness and lightness.

These managers have a negative impact on organizations because, as is usual, a demotivated team generates numerous problems: high turnover, constant conflicts, high absenteeism, lack of integration, lack of creativity, fragile relationship between leaders and led, among other factors.

Unfortunately, individuals with this leadership style are concerned only with results and do not have enough insight to understand that the outcome comes from the people, from their team. The only things they crave is their name being exalted and their ego inflated.

The lead manager is totally the opposite of the “chief manager,” he manages to make dull activities into pleasurable activities, he leads his team lightly, his command is clear and objective, he is well aware is in this position to become pregnant and not to compete with his knowledge with his people. He passes confidence on to his team, that is, team members feel free to ask, not understand, to dare, because they know they will not be ridiculed.

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