
Make your retirement with Photovoltaic Energy

You can generate your energy by using the sun as your source and make your private retirement with the savings of 30 years in the electricity bill.

Solar energy is a clean, sustainable and renewable source of energy. Besides the economy for users, it benefits the environment, with less pollution and more efficient use of natural resources. This is an alternative with many benefits for both individuals and businesses.

Although the initial investment is high, the savings on the energy bill already starts in the first month, reducing up to 95% of your spending on electricity.

The savings you will get with the photovoltaic system outperform many financial applications. This is a long-term investment that has a huge life expectancy, considering that the photovoltaic system is made to last in average 30 years.

Investing in photovoltaic energy today will reduce your electricity costs and is a great way to increase your retirement plan.

You can have access to this technology. At AGPR5, we develop the project for your company or residence, our team performs the procedures for installation and we provide assistance for maintenance of the system.

The AGPR5 is re-imagining how to produce energy. Let’s re-imagine your retirement with Photovoltaic Energy.

Do you have questions about the photovoltaic system? Contact us:

AGPR5 | A5 Group

Phone: +55 48 3462 3900
Email: contato@agpr5.com

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