
Problems with micro dosages and inventory closing of your factory stock?

The search for automated systems for the micro dosage process has increased in recent years, but many companies still use manual dosing.

Dosing accuracy is essential for industrial processes in which raw material combinations are used, and the accuracy of each component in each formulation is important, determining the quality of the final product, within national and international standards.

In manual dosing processes, the control of the addition of each raw material is carried out exclusively by the person who executes it. With the automated micro dosing, one can achieve a higher quality of precision in the dosage of each micro-ingredient. The micro dosage process weighs and dosages each micro-ingredient with high precision, so that the exact amount of the product is added.

The automation of the system still has the advantage that at the end of the process generate a report to compare the physical stock with what is released in the system, thus having a good stock control.

The semi-automatic or fully automated processes of precision microdosing have the advantages of lower application cost, higher productivity in less time, greater safety and quality of the final product.

Does your factory have problems with precision and stock closing in micro dosages? Look for the AGPR5.

We can develop the solution that your company needs, either with assisted dosing via software or in fully automatic mode.

Know more about our products and solutions: Dosages of Precision Macro, Medium, Micro and Assisted.

AGPR5 Re-imagine with Ingenuity.

Contact us and ask your questions. Let’s look at the best solution for your business.

AGPR5 | A5 Group

Office: +55 (48) 3462-3900
Email: contato@agpr5.com
GPR Tech Park – Rodovia Antônio Darós , 1555
88.816 -195 – Criciúma – Santa Catarina – Brazil

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