
AGPR5 – Purpose and Values

We were born in 2000 with the purpose of transforming knowledge into results for our customers, always seeking excellence in the production and manufacture of grains and foods. In this way we have built a history of developing people, technologies, innovations and processes that allow us to meet the basic needs of food and comfort to people around the world, every day always with the smallest possible resources.

Always maintaining the values of the founders that is putting people at the center of business we have: Education + Innovation + Efficiency = Excellence.

With these values we transform the lives of people who are collaborators or clients, as well as processes and their companies, making them ever more competitive and sustainable.

Today we have our products and services in more than 13 countries and we operate in more than 20 sectors of the economy, always with robust numbers that show our leadership with approximately 30% of all Animal Nutrition (Balanced Food) produced in Brazil in more than 66 factories that produce 3,300 tons / hour, becoming a worldwide reference in the sector.

Thinking about AGPR5 is to Re-imagine Ingenuity education, innovation and efficiency to improve the lives of people, processes and companies with the responsibility and sustainability that society needs.

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