
AGPR5 gives Lecture on Agropec Course in São Paulo

AGPR5 was present at the 2nd Intensive Course on Technology in Processes for the Manufacture of Balanced Foods – From the receiving of raw materials to the delivery of the food to the farm, promoted by Agropec Consultoria, from August 4 to 8, in São Paulo.

The course was taught by Antônio Apércio Klein and had the objective of transferring and discussing practical and theoretical knowledge in the area of food manufacturing, addressing Technology in Food Manufacturing Processes – Quality and Productivity. And the Management of Food Processes.

With the vision of “Re-imagining with Ingenuity” the Balanced food processes, the CEO of AGPR5, Alvaro Ghedin attended presenting the lecture:

Automation and Manufacturing Execution Systems in Balanced Food Plants with Total Traceability – Automation from the level of Factory Floor to the Integration with ERP, Nutrition and other systems at the Corporate level.

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