
AGPR5 present at Fispal Technology 2018 in Sao Paulo

AGPR5 is participating from June 26 to 29 of the 34th edition of FISPAL Technology in São Paulo.

Fispal Technology 2018 is considered the most complete fair in Latin America focused on technologies for the Food and Beverage industry.

During the fair, AGPR5 is introducing products from the Logipack line, with solutions that align a range of labeling, packaging, container and sealing tests with high-performance production for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, industrial and cleaning.

For all these processes, AGPR5 presents solutions to help your product to be well packaged and seen in the market, raising its brand through embedded technology equipment and solutions.

Learn more: https://www.agpr5.com/en/logipack-en

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