
AGPR5 presents itself as Case of Success in event of Fiesc

AGPR5 was present at the meeting promoted by the Development Chamber of Micro and Small business of the Federation of Industries of Santa Catarina (FIESC), on September 27, held in Senai, Criciúma. The company was represented by the company’s Director of Technology and Production, Evandro Pavei Piucco, and Service and Support technician, Ariel Teixeira da Silva.

The event was attended by FIESC’s South regional vice president, Diomício Vidal, the sectoral president and vice-president of FIESC in the Vale do Itapocu region, Célio Bayer, the director of Institutional and Industrial Development, Carlos Henrique Fonseca and members of the entity’s technical team who spoke about the actions to strengthen micro and small industries.

The AGPR5 was invited to present its Case of business Success at the meeting, with a presentation led by the director Evandro Pavei Piucco, who reported since the creation of AGPR5 16 years ago, and all its development in the creation of systems for agribusiness and expansion of its business portfolio to various technology areas. AGPR5 has stood out in the market in the area of automation and technology, systems development, mechanics and infrastructure. The company was highlighted in 2016 as one of the winners of the SC Education Award, promoted by FIESC, with its leadership development program, PDL.

The event also discussed the country’s economic prospects, regulatory standards, opportunities for insertion in the international market and an account of the work that FIESC carries out with its sectoral chambers, mainly in legislative and tax matters, as well as foreign trade. “This is a very important meeting to bring FIESC closer to micro and small industrialists. Small will be the medium and large industries of the future, so the importance of providing such assistance. In addition, topics of interest to these business men such as NR-12 and Social, will also be discussed here, “emphasizes FFIESC’s South regional vice president, Diomicon Vidal.

The main objective of Wednesday’s initiative was to give visibility to the work of organizing and strengthening this segment of the productive sector in the State. “We are holding traveling meetings with the purpose of presenting the sector’s business men with the proposals and thus making the movement even more representative. We want these industrialists to know that they can also enjoy the benefits of FIESC. That is why we are going to meet them throughout the State, to convey such important information. “, Says the president of the Sectoral Chamber and vice-president of FIESC in the region of Vale do Itapocu, Célio Bayer.

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