
AGPR5 received a visit from the inspector of Seta Engenharia S.A.

Recently was visiting AGPR5, the Inspector Fernando Teixeira of the company SETA ENGENHARIA S.A, precisely our sector of Electrical Panels.

The purpose of the visit to the AGPR5 was to inspect the distribution panels of direct and alternating current of the PCH VERDE 4.The panels tested include a control, control and power circuit, up to 600 points of I / O, AI and back-warnings.

The PCH – Pequena Central Hidrelétrica – VERDE 4 is located in the MS state, and has the following technical characteristics:

– Installed Power: 19 MW;
– Reservoir: 5.95 km²;
– Dam: Rocking Ground;
– Maximum Dam Height: 22.5;
– Spillway: controlled in the background;
– Power Room: Sheltered;
– Turbines: 2 generating units Kaplan S Amount;
– Total Volume of Concrete CCV: 22,546.00 m³;
– Rock excavations: 675.711,00m³;
– Total Volume of Landfill: 446,489.00 m.

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