
AGPR5 Specialist in Batch Processes

Do You Know What Batch Process Is?

Batch processing, in the context of operating systems, is a term for data processing (it is a series of activities performed neatly, which will result in a kind of information arrangement, where information or data is initially collected that goes through a organization where the end will be the target that the user or system intends to use) that occurs through a batch of queued tasks, so that the operating system only processes the next task after the full completion of the previous task.

Batch processing is used when handling files that contain multiple records, also known as batch processing of data. This feature is widely used in distributed systems where front-end applications are constrained, whether in cost, telecommunications or architecture, to perform online / realtime updates on centralized systems. It is chosen to feed a local database during the day and send a sequential file containing all the records for updates at night in the central systems.

Batch systems were the first types of multiprogrammable operating systems to be implemented in the 1960s. Programs, also called jobs, were submitted for execution through punch cards and stored on disk or tape, where they were waiting to be processed. Later, depending on the availability of space in the main memory, the jobs were executed, producing an output on disk or tape.

Batch processing has the characteristic of not requiring user interaction with the application. All application data inputs and outputs are implemented by some type of secondary memory, usually disk files. Some examples of applications originally processed in batch are programs involving numeric calculations, compilations, sorts, backups, and all those where no user interaction is required.

These systems, when well designed, can be quite efficient due to the best use of the processor, however, they can offer long response times. Currently, the operating systems implement or simulate batch processing, and there are no systems exclusively dedicated to this type of processing.

There are international norms that regulate this process and the AGPR5 follows them since 2004 in its software, being:

ISA88, Batch Control

Scope ISA88

To provide project guidelines and specifications for batch control systems. This will take (and complement) existing standards and best practices from ISA and other organizations. The matters that will be considered for inclusion by this committee are:

1.Define specific terminology for batch control systems that encourage understanding between manufacturers and users.

2.Provide a standard batch control language of data structure to simplify scheduling, configuration tasks and communication between the various system components.

3.Provide a standard data structure for batch systems that will simplify the task of data communication within the system architecture.

4.To determine a standard batch control architecture that defines the physical model and the functional model. The physical model is the hierarchical structure that relates control equipment and data communications required for the physical areas involved in batch control. The functional model shows the relationships among the five types of control: revenue control, scheduling, sequential control, regulatory control, and security locking systems.

Here are some of our systems that have built-in batch process control …

Gemba Mill

Process Control in Animal Nutrition Plants;

Gemba Milk

Process Control in Receiving Milk and Dairy;

Gemba Oil

Control of Processes in Margarine Factories;

Gemba Cement

Process Control for Cement Industry;

Gemba Fertilizers

Process Control for Fertilizer Industry;

Gemba Coffee

Process Control for Coffee Industry;

Gemba Foods

Process Control in Slaughterhouses and Flour Factory;

Gemba Poultry

Control of Fostering of Matrices, hatchery and lodging of broiler chicken;

Gemba Batch

Dosing Control of Mortars, Paint Factories, Margarine, Wafer Factories or Food in General, Pharmaceutical or Cosmetc Industry.

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