
Big Data in Industry 4.0: Everything you ever wanted to know about

Learn everything you need to know about how big data can add to the context of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 is already considered a buzzword and has aroused great curiosity and interest in people. Everyone seeks to know more about the aspects surrounding the concept. This is almost always associated with other concepts such as “big data”, “internet of things (IOT)”, “cloud computing”, among others.

In this context, 72% of industries see in the use of Big Data and data analysis huge potential to improve customer relations. And so, consequently, bring improvements to the entire life cycle of your products.

And more! 35% of companies that already adopt the industry model 4.0 already expect gains over 20% for the next five years.
Were you curious to understand the role of big data in industry 4.0?

So stay calm! In this text we will focus on the fundamental relationship of big data in Industry 4.0. Thus highlighting how best to use the huge amount of data currently available in order to improve the decision-making of the industries.

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