
Gemba MES and Industry 4.0

What is a 4.0 Industry?

Industry 4.0 or Fourth Industrial Revolution is an expression that encompasses some technologies for automation and data exchange and uses concepts of cyber-physical Systems, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing.

Industry 4.0 facilitates the viewing and execution of “Intelligent Factories” with their modular structures, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world, and make decentralized decisions. With the internet of things, cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real-time, and through cloud computing, both internal and intra-organizational services are offered and used by value chain participants.

Source: Wikipedia, a Enciclopédia Livre

How the fourth industrial revolution is the natural way to increase competitiveness among corporations. AGPR5 comes to offer its customers the Gemba MES (Manufacturing Execution System) platform, which offers all the controls according to the concepts of Industry 4.0 to organize and optimize its production line in all its stages.

Gemba MES is a complete system of control, real-time monitoring and execution of industrial processes, which guarantees the efficiency in the productivity and the highest quality in the factory floor, using essential information of the automated equipment and processes, allowing the traceability from the material to the final product.

With an easy-to-use suite of tools, the system ensures effective decision-making results based on automatically generated information straight from the factory floor, enhancing the productivity, quality and profitability of your plant.

To learn more: https://www.agpr5.com/en/gemba-mes-en

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