
Gemba MES in Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has been working in all sectors of the economy, uniting the technologies and composing a totally new and necessary scenario for the business environment.

We can see this scenario at each link of production and supply chains with tools and workstations using communication constantly via the internet and virtual networks.Machines, systems, and products exchange information with each other and with the outside world. By optimizing production tools, manufacturers can accelerate productivity at cost savings in a sustainable way.

AGPR5 is aware of the benefits of Industry 4.0 and the need for efficient production processes to increase the productivity and profitability of the factories. It offers its customers the Gemba MES (Manufacturing Execution System) platform, a suite of tools that ensures effective results in decision-making based on information automatically generated right from the factory floor, boosting the productivity, quality and profitability of your plant.

Gemba MES is a complete system of control, real-time monitoring and execution of industrial processes, which guarantees productivity efficiency and the highest quality in the factory floor, using essential information of the automated equipment and processes, enabling the traceability from the raw material to the final product.

Get to know the AGPR5 solutions for your factory, with Gemba MES: https://www.agpr5.com/en/gemba-mes-en

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