
Get to Know our MES Platform for Animal Nutrition Factory

Leader with 30% control of the Brazilian production of Animal Nutrition and Premix, with the following numbers:

+70 Factories, Animal Nutrition and Premix
+3,280 Tons per hour of Produced Premix and Animal Nutrition
+65.600 Tons per day of Produced Premix and Animal Nutrition
+1.640.000 Tons per month of Produced Premix and Animal Nutrition
+19.680.000 Tons per year of Produced Premix and Animal Nutrition
+425,000,000 US $ of monthly traded Inputs
+5,084,000,000 US $ of annually traded inputs

AGPR5 is leader as the best and most complete MES Platform – Manufacturing Execution System, for industry 4.0, specific to Animal Nutrition processes.

+100 Installed Servers

+1,000 Supervision Stations, Data Collectors, HMIs and Network Assets

+100,000 Automated Entry and Exit Points in Factory Floor- Production

The dosage of the ingredients is one of the most important steps in the production of feed. The dosage systems must follow the previously established in the formulation to meet the nutritional requirements, with greater quality control, because in a precise and quality system, the dosages become more reliable, reducing the waste and the risks of human errors , thus giving greater assurance that the product will be within the specified conditions, avoiding problems such as deviations of dosages and cross contamination.

Based on these principles, AGPR5 has been developing Gemba Mill for more than 15 years. A MES (Manufacturing Execution System) platform that starts on the factory floor with the most basic automations of equipment, goes through the monitoring, operation and complete control of production in animal nutrition, feed and premix factories.

Why choose us for your Animal Nutrition Factory?

• Proven experience in more than 25 years in these processes;
• Complete mechanical, electrical, automation, software and MES solutions;
• Record time of deployment even in revamp, that is, 1 to 2 days;
• Microdosing with high technology ;
• RFID in vehicular traffic control in Industrial Park;
• Global Gap traceability;
• Service 24 / day, 7 days / week;
• Mobility solutions;
• Zero paper on the factory floor, fully computerized controls, eliminating paper weight;
• OEE, OPE, MTTR, MTBF and KPI of the whole process, with optimizations of the productive process;
• Production intelligence, through the use of cognitive resources;
• Complete integration with formulation systems;
• Complete integration with ERP: SAP, TOTVS, Senior, Oracle, Agrosys and MTec.

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