
Invest in the Training of your Employees

To achieve better results amid so much competitiveness, companies have the need to training their collaborator. The company that invests in the training of its collaborator, invests in itself and believes in its potential.

Training is a short-term process whereby the collaborator learns the technical knowledge and skills of the position he must occupy, developing the skills necessary to perform his specific tasks in an excellent way.

Therefore, the company that invests in training, adds value to its collaborator, itself and its clients, enriching their human patrimony.

Is your team receiving quality training?

Meet the AGPR5 Institute.

Our training programs fit the needs of your company, making it possible to measure the results. That way, the training in your company will be investments and not expenses.

To know more, know our areas of training: Training, EAD, Consulting and Advice.

More information:

Ariel Teixeira – instituto@agpr5.com
Training Analyst | Technology & Production
Office: +55 (48) 3462-3950
GPR Tech Park –Rodovia Antônio Darós , 1555
88.816 -195 – Criciúma – Santa Catarina – Brazil

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