
Know our solution for your Animal Nutrition Factory

Among the objectives to manage a Animal Nutrition Factory are reducing costs and manpower, obtain accurate data production process, consumption of raw material, the losses during the process, the amount of the finished product and the wear of equipment and components.

AGPR5 developed the Gemba MES Mill Solution, offering our customers a production system that starts on the factory floor, with control from the receiving and storage of grains to the bagging and / or dispatch line, followed by monitoring and complete production control of Animal Nutrition, Feed and Premix plants.

We offer our customers a solution with strict traceability controls, within S88 and S95 standards. And through the system it is possible to follow every production cycle, counting on operational and management information from the entry of raw material to the output of the finished product. At the production control level, we allow supervisors and managers to define all times and variables to provide the highest efficiency index of the factory, reducing bottlenecks to the maximum.

AGPR5 has proven experience with more than 20 years working in these processes, we have complete mechanical, electrical, automation and software solutions. Through Gemba MES Mill you can have complete control of the production cycle of your Animal Nutrition Factory, with full traceability of your products.

At the level of process control, we have quality management and compliance with the IN (Normative Instructions of MAPA). At the level of certifiers we have reports and traceability modules for MAPA, Global GAP or external auditors and certifiers.

At the resource level, we offer integrations with ERP’s (Enterprise Resource Planning) making the plants a continuation of the management system, since we are responsible for maintaining all production and process information of the plant.

We also offer tools like OEE (Overall Equipment Performance Indicators), OPE (Overall Process Effectiveness) KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and PI (Process Intelligence) that seek to monitor the efficiency of all processes involved in the production cycle.

Learn more about our Gemba MES Mill solution for your Factory:


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