
Let’s get the dreams out of paper in 2018?

Opening the company itself is the dream of 66% of Brazilians, according to a survey conducted by MindMiners. However, there is a shortage of training and focus for beginning entrepreneurs, difficulties that could be overcome with support and mentoring programs.

Often the ideas end up not going out of the paper, due to the lack of orientation and support for who still does not have experience in the market. At other times, when they leave the paper and do not have a solid foundation, they fall apart in the first difficulties. Perhaps in 2017, your dream of undertaking did not go off the paper, maybe because of fear or lack of support and direction.

The AGPR5 created the Associate Partner Program. And, what is this program? It is a support Program for companies that work in the areas of automation, robotics, electrical or machine design and assembly.

In addition to our experience and knowledge, our program seeks to generate benefits for all involved: Clients, Associate Partners and AGPR5. With the support of AGPR5, our Associate Partners will be able to develop bespoke and differentiated solutions with competitive advantage in the market.

In addition to our experience and knowledge, our program seeks to generate benefits for all involved: Clients, Associate Partners and AGPR5. With the support of AGPR5, our Associate Partners will be able to develop bespoke and differentiated solutions with competitive advantage in the market.

Let’s get the dreams out of paper in 2018? Let’s work together and end 2018 celebrating our accomplishments?

Re-imagine your 2018 with the Ingenuity of AGPR5.

Come and learn more about our Associate Partner Program.

To know more or send suggestions, send your email to: partners@agpr5.com.

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