
Looking for a company with competence in Automation and Robotics? Think AGPR5

The use of technology within the industrial environment has competitive advantages essential to an increasingly demanding market.

Greater productivity, more production in less time; with lower cost and greater operational safety are benefits of the use of industrial automation and robotics.

At AGPR5, we have a Research, Development and Innovation – PD & I team qualified to seek new solutions for your industry.
We have automation solutions, software, database, robotics and industrial networks that can be adapted according to the needs of your company.

AGPR5 Re-imagine with Ingenuity.

We can develop the solution your business needs. Contact us and ask your questions:

AGPR5 | A5 Group

Office: +55 (48) 3462-3900
Email: contato@agpr5.com
GPR Tech Park -Rodovia Antônio Darós , 1555
88.816 -195 – Criciúma – Santa Catarina – Brazil

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