
POZOSUL receives Training on MES Platform Gemba Cement

On July 31, the collaborators of POZOSUL were present at the AGPR5 headquarters.

The manager Ms. Graziela da Luz Pessôa e Silva, Mr. Maicon Roberto Cardoso, Mr. Rodnei dos Santos Cardoso, Mr. Lucas Marcelino and Mr. Mario Cesar Firmino dos Santos.

On that occasion, the MES Gemba Cement Platform (Automation of the control and management of the cement process), acquired by the unit, was presented. Demonstration and training of the entire process for the Pozosul team were carried out.

Is scheduled for the start-up of the plant occurs in two stops.First stop being carried out concerning the dosing process (scheduled for the period 05/08 to 07/08) and the second stage milling process.

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