
Service problems after business hours?

Problems in your Company do not “choose” business hours to show up. Problems arise outside business hours, during holidays and weekends.

Your Company can not stop thinking about this the AGPR5 comes Re-imagining your services to deliver the solution to your problems the moment they arise with quality and efficiency.

We are committed to providing specialized service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, that is, when your Company needs it.

Learn more about our Help Desk – 24 Hour Support, contact us.

Via phone:

Business hours: (48) 34623900, option 1, (48) 34623950 or (48) 9 8806-0765 – direct line

Outside business hours: (48) 34623950 or (48) 9 8806-0765 – Digital Central

Via E-mail:



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