
Solutions for the packaging of your products?

For food, beverage, pharmaceutical, industrial and cleaning industries, the labeling, packaging, container testing and sealing processes are important for the quality of the final Product.

AGPR5 has the Logipack line with several solutions for the automation of these processes, generating high production performance, reduction of rework and costs in your company.

Some of our solutions for your company:

. Application of Covers and Accessories;
. Testers microholes;
. Labeling type or Sleeve Type;
. Pre Tunnels and Shrinking Tunnels for Sleeve application;
. Packing machines;
. Feeders, Forklifts and Balers;
. Entamboradoras;
. Among other Special Projects for your need.

Learn more about our Logipack solutions.

AGPR5 Re-imagine with Ingenuity.

Contact us and ask your questions.

AGPR5 | A5 Group

Office: +55 (48) 3462-3900
Email: contato@agpr5.com
GPR Tech Park -Rodovia Antônio Darós , 1555
88.816 -195 – Criciúma – Santa Catarina – Brazil

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