
Tired of paying the high electric bill?

Solar Energy is the energy derived from the Sun in the form of solar radiation, being considered a source of renewable and sustainable energy.

The AGPR5 is Re-Imagining its performance with this technology, offering solutions with Photovoltaic Energy in partnership with Engie, the largest private generator of energy in Brazil.

Photovoltaic energy is today the fastest growing source of clean energy in the world. This system uses clean, pure energy from the sun as a sustainable alternative to the environment, using renewable resources without promoting any kind of aggression and helping to combat greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar energy is also a great way to save money. Your investment pays off how much the system will save you over the course of its useful life. The photovoltaic system can generate 90% savings in the electric bill, and in some cases even more.

You can simulate the economy on the Engie website:

Let AGPR5 Re-Imagine with Ingenuity your business.

Get in touch to know more:

Phone: +55 48 3462 3900
Email: agpr5.br@agpr5.com

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