
We are completing 18 years

Today we are 18 years old and over the years we have built a history of developing people, technologies, innovations and processes.

From the outset, we aim at sustainable growth, with permanent investments in the pillars that sustain us.The AGPR5 is dedicated to being a school, recruiting and empowering human capital to turn it into high-performance professionals.

Our DNA carries our values: Education + Innovation + Efficiency = Excellence.

The AGPR5 seeks to succeed in the goal of being a company that generates human capital and, consequently, knowledge.

Thus, we continue to build our competitive advantage on a global level, generating knowledge and technology through the generation of new products and technological solutions, or through the provision of specialized services with high productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Today we have our products and services spread across more than 13 countries and operate in more than 20 sectors of the economy. We are honored for the third consecutive year by the GPTW – Great to Place do Work, in the brazilian and state rankings. We are among the best companies to work in the area of technology and in the overall ranking.

Thinking about AGPR5 is to Re-Imagine With Ingenuity education, innovation and efficiency to improve the lives of people, processes and companies with the responsibility and sustainability that society needs.

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