
You do not want to enter 2018 with electric bill?

Photovoltaic energy is 100% proven technology. This system produced from sunlight can produce energy also on cloudy or rainy days.

By using the photovoltaic system, you will be contributing to the environment because it is a clean energy, generated through sunlight and therefore also inexhaustible.

In addition to generating your own energy in a clean and renewable way, you can virtually wipe out your electric bill. According to ENGIE, AGPR5’s partner in the development of photovoltaic energy solutions, you can generate a 90% savings on your electric bill.

Ever thought you could save 90% on your electric bill in 2018?

The AGPR5 is Re-imagining how to produce energy and you can have access to this technology. Let’s Re-imagine together in 2018.

To know more about photovoltaic energy and our projects: AGPR5 Re-imaginando a Energia Fotovoltaica.

Contact us and ask your questions.

AGPR5 | A5 Group

Phone: +55 48 3462 3900
Email: contato@agpr5.com

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