
Change to Not Be Changed

Times change. What was already gone.

The game that has value is exactly on the battlefield and therefore is high risk and made for a new crop of fearless, crazy and certain conquerors. On the contrary, in the very near past, the show was to be part of a “staff”, measured by endless meetings, with a group of strategic thinkers.

Without questioning, our dream was to be able to move to the noble area of the organizations, reserved place and armored for the upper echelons. The result of the conquest was added to a room decorated with the right to coffee served by the cupbearer, to be treated by a gentleman or doctor, and “adored” by an exclusive secretary. Henceforth success would depend on the social articulations between the inhabitants of this exquisite and exclusive world.

Times have changed, and with them new needs and demands have created the perception of a lean model close to practical and operational things, and so gradually the old systems have been condemned by the very tactical detachment that defined their own ascension.

In AGPR5 is no different, a new year begins and with it new targets, new rules, new challenges. There is no longer the right and guaranteed, there is only the “result” that depends on us all!

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